Welcome to my website. My name is Becky Margenau and I live in Fort Collins, Colorado. I have been designing and creating works of art out of fibers for more than 40 years. I began making traditional patchwork quilts in the 1970s. But for the past several years, I have been designing contemporary framed quilts usually featuring my favorite landscapes: mountain and ocean scenes.
I also make temari, sometimes known as Japanese thread balls.
To make a temari, I wrap thread around a ball or beach rock and then stitch intricate and colorful designs onto the surface.
Please note: I no longer sell my artwork through this website. Also I no longer accept requests for special artwork. This website is for my friends and family to enjoy and see what I have been creating. My artwork is available only at Trimble Court Artisans Gallery in Fort Collins, Colorado.

A little information about me:
I was born in Litchfield, Illinois. After graduating from Illinois State University
in 1966, I taught in school systems in Illinois and Colorado. In 1974, I married
Tom Margenau in Litchfield. Over the next 30 years, Tom's job with the federal
government found us living in such diverse places as Chicago, Illinois;
Billings, Montana; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Yakima, Everett, and Bellevue
Washington; Boise, Idaho; Eldersburg, Maryland; and San Diego, California.
Along the way, we had two children and I worked as a librarian in Westminster,
Maryland and for a large law firm in San Diego. Tom and I both retired in 2005
and we moved to Fort Collins, Colorado. We have two grandchildren in Del Mar,
California and three more grandchildren in Fort Collins. In addition to my quilting
and temari projects, Tom and I enjoy hiking in the nearby Rocky Mountains
and biking around Fort Collins.
I was born in Litchfield, Illinois. After graduating from Illinois State University
in 1966, I taught in school systems in Illinois and Colorado. In 1974, I married
Tom Margenau in Litchfield. Over the next 30 years, Tom's job with the federal
government found us living in such diverse places as Chicago, Illinois;
Billings, Montana; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Yakima, Everett, and Bellevue
Washington; Boise, Idaho; Eldersburg, Maryland; and San Diego, California.
Along the way, we had two children and I worked as a librarian in Westminster,
Maryland and for a large law firm in San Diego. Tom and I both retired in 2005
and we moved to Fort Collins, Colorado. We have two grandchildren in Del Mar,
California and three more grandchildren in Fort Collins. In addition to my quilting
and temari projects, Tom and I enjoy hiking in the nearby Rocky Mountains
and biking around Fort Collins.